Privacy Policy

Fluid Integrated Technologies Inc. collects, uses and processes data through its business activities. Some of this data includes information that identifies an individual directly, or through the combination of different details, identifies an individual, such as a telephone number, name, address, photo image, etc., (“Personal Data”).

In collecting or receiving Personal Data, Fluid Integrated Technologies Inc. uses the Personal Data for the purposes disclosed at the time of collection. Typically, Personal Data is used to provide services, either directly, or through business partners and related companies. However, we may also receive Personal Data through other means, such as marketing events.

If Fluid Integrated Technologies Inc. collects Personal Data directly, we advise individuals of the purpose of our collection. If the Personal Data will be used for a purpose other than for which it was collected by Fluid Integrated Technologies Inc., we will first get the individual’s consent, which may be written, oral, or implied through the service being provided by Fluid Integrated Technologies Inc.

Some of the Personal Data is disclosed to our business partners and related companies, but Fluid Integrated Technologies Inc. limits the amount of data disclosed to the extent required to fulfill the purpose for which the Personal Data was collected. An individual may withdraw consent to the use of their Personal Data which may result in Fluid Integrated Technologies Inc. being unable to continue to provide services for that individual’s benefit.

Please forward enquiries regarding Personal Data held by Fluid Integrated Technologies Inc. about you by mail to: Fluid Integrated Technologies Inc., One Hurontario Street, Suite 220, Port Credit, Ontario, L5G 0A3, Attention: Privacy Officer.

Last updated: February 14, 2017